28 April 2007

Microsoft Application Verifier

Application Verifier is a runtime verification tool for unmanaged code that assists in quickly finding subtle programming errors that can be extremely difficult to identify with normal application testing. Application Verifier is designed specifically to detect and help debug memory corruptions and critical security vulnerabilities. It makes it easier to create reliable applications by monitoring an application's interaction with the Windows operating system, profiling its use of objects, the registry, the file system, and Win32 APIs (including heaps, handles, locks, and more). It also includes checks to predict how well the application will perform under Least-privileged User Account operation, compatibility tests to be used in logoing, and print tests to verify your usage of the print subsystem.Running Application Verifier is easy; simply turn on the tool then run your project and go through your normal testing scenarios with a debugger attached. When your tests are completed, view the Application Verifier logs for any errors that may have been detected.


Windows User State Migration Tool (USMT) Version 3.0.1

Brief Description
Microsoft® Windows® User State Migration Tool (USMT) version 3.0.1 migrates user files and settings during deployments of Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Vista™. USMT captures files and settings from the source computer and then migrates them to a new Windows installation.
On This Page

24 April 2007

Microsoft DLL Help Database

If you want to know which MS product installed a dll:


21 April 2007

BartPE: nu2menu missing menu

you MUST have all XML tag in CAPS... i had a bad "menu" in lowercase... this one work but it will break all the later one

13 April 2007

BartPE: inject Perc4 or Perc 5 driver inside a windows

if you want to inject a Perc 5 or Perc 4 driver inside a windows (the real one, not bartpe), i added these features to the famous VMSCSI plugin for BartPE:

Useful to restore a server on another hardware:
-boot with bartpe
-restore with ghost or another tool
-inject the Perc5 or Perc4 driver in the windows you restored with ghost
-reboot, it's working out!

If you are restoring from another hardware (a good reason to inject different driver !), you may need to do a fixmbr : mbrfix /drive 0 fixmbr /yes

BartPE: adding LSI Dell PERC 5 driver with Windows XP Source

If you need to build a bartpe with a Windows XP source, but on a server with a Perc 5 (5/E, 5/i,...) SAS Raid server (PowerEdge 1950 / 2950), the Dell driver won't work. The CD will stop booting saying perc_sas.sys is missing.

The solution is to use the LSI logic driver that meet this chipset.
I put it here:

BartPE: diskpart nightmare

You may get "Diskpart could not complete the operation..."
this appears when using Windows 2003 SP1 or Windows XP SP2 as source.
This is due to changes to the Dcom

If using Windows XP SP2, in the plugin folder create a folder, for example "Dispart_XPSP2", and put this file inside:
be sure to have the enable set to 1

If using Windows 2003 SP1, in the plugin folder create a folder, for example "Dispart_W2K3", and put this file inside:
be sure to have the enable set to 1

10 April 2007

removing Lotus connector for exchange: bad trip

When you go through the add/remove programs on the exchange server to remove the calendar and connector notes for Exchange, It may fail saying the path cannot be found.
Using Filemon, i understood that it remembers the path the installation was made from, and need it. I needed to put it back at the same place the setup used to install.
It then uninstalled cleanly and removed the connectors

Exchange 2003 : not removing Mailbox store

I was keeping this error message when trying to remove a Mailbox Store: cannot remove the mailbox store because it's contain mailboxes...

One account was assigned to this mailbox store but not appearing in the mailbox store because it never received an email.

I found it searching mailbox assigned to this mailbox store through AD