25 June 2006

WSUS error 506

To correct, i did:
on IIS, go to the default web site, then go to seflupdate virtual directory, properties / Directory Security / Edit
check anonymous access
restart the selfupdate service
the error wad gone for me

Outlook "Check Names" button error nightmare

This error made me crazy. Everything works, except this <> "check name" button while creating the Outlook profile.

It can comes from many things, but here are the clues I know:
-Try on different computers with different users.
-When you get this error, go to control panel/courrier/ then remove the outlook profile before trying again.
-The other source of this problem is the GAL itself.
The RUS set up Exchange users's properties in AD. One of them is very important, showInAddressBook.

If this is a new user, try to force a rebuild of the RUS and offline addressbook and check eventlog for errors.

If the RUS or offline book is concerned, you can reset the Exchange system folder (take care!), KB 822444

From Microsoft KB:
How the Recipient Update Service Populates Address Lists

Troubleshooting the Recipient Update Service in Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2000 Server

Troubleshooting Check Name errors

@NOTESDOMAIN is added when you receive mail from Notes

Up to now, i keep the Lotus Notes As inbound SMTP gateway.

The downside is that all icoming mail on Exchange are tagged with @NOTEDOMAIN at the end.

The MS KB 255160 indicate that it's recommanded to set the Exchange as smtp inbound gateway.

I tried it, but then i got all mail to Lotus users kept for 10 minutes in the exchange queue. They stay in the deferred delivery queue without any reason.

I will update this post when resolved

-I turned again the Exchange as the inbound smtp gateway. It works ! I changed many things, so i don't really know the guilty parameter.

The Exchange is now also the SMTP outbound for the Lotus Notes. @SMTP@Exchange mail were tagged since, but i applied the MS KB
251955. The suffix is gone, and mail flows work much better!

Free/Busy view from outlook to Notes not working for all users

I needed some times to realize that the free/busy view from Outlook wasn't always working when including Notes users.

I figured out the source of the problem: The System Attendant Must have a Lotus Notes proxy address.

To check if the System Attendant got a Lotus proxy address, fire up adsiedit.msc,
then go to:
Configuration / Services /Microsoft Exchange / Your Org name / Administrative groups / Your administrative group / Servers / Your Server with lotus conn / Microsoft System Attendant

On the properties page, go to proxyaddress, then edit and you should have something like:
NOTES:Microsoft System Attendant/First Administrative Group/@Exchange

I didn't have, so i added it manually and it worked out !

Microsoft KB about this issue: Click here

24 June 2006

List of Root certificate on Windows Mobile

taken from here:

Certification Authority SSL Product Supported Versions
CyberTrust SureServer Certificate 2003 and 5.0
Entrust.net Standard SSL Certificate 2003 and 5.0
Entrust.net Enhanced SSL Certificate 2003 and 5.0
Entrust.net Premium SSL Certificate 2003 and 5.0
Geotrust Power Server ID 2003 and 5.0
GlobalSign ServerSign SSL Certificate 2003 and 5.0
GoDaddy Turbo SSL 5.0 w/ MSFP only
GoDaddy High Assurance SSL 5.0 w/ MSFP only
Thawte SSL Web Server Certificates 2003 and 5.0
Thawte SSL 123 Certificates 2003 and 5.0
Verisign Secure Site SSL 2003 and 5.0
Verisign Secure Site Professional 2003 and 5.0

The New Microsoft Lotus Notes connector

By the 10th of June, Microsoft released a new version of the Lotus Notes Connector for Exchange.

It sounded great, some issues corrected !
I updated my connector successfully :)

It was great until i tried to migrate a mailbox trough the MS Wizard. I got NSD from Lotus Notes, saying Notes crashed!!! It Started to dump the mailbox but crashed after a thousand...
After a debugging sessions, the troubles came from this new connector, i reverted to the old one.

If someone got the issue and have a solution or workaround, send me an email!

The last version can be downloaded here

Migration from Lotus Notes to Exchange 2003 the swiss Army

I am currently making a migration from Lotus Notes 6.5.5 to Microsoft Exchange 2003. We have about 125 Notes users and a few Notes applications.
I will try to give here the tracks i went trough to migrate correctly.

To start with, i am going to list the big steps i did:
-Upgrade the AD & Forest to native 2003
-Install the first exchange node (cluster).
-Upgrade to Exchange 2003 native mode.
-Install another exchange temporary server, which will host the Microsoft Lotus Notes connector.

-I followed the great Guide from Microsoft to get the exchange connector working with Lotus:
Click here

Again the big steps are:
-Create a dedicated account to the MS connector and a foreign domain on Domino
-setting up the connector (which server, Notes Domain, which users to sync...)
-Install a server tasks on the Domino server (small exec from MS)

The MS Connector only migrate the Mails & calendar info, no archive and no contact!!!

I created an exchange user to test the communication between Exchange & Notes.

Our main problem is to keep the Lotus account, since we are doing a smooth migration. But the mail & co must go to the exchange mailbox when the user is migrated.

To migrate a Notes users, i do:
-Create the Exchange Mailbox
-Set up a permanent forward on the Notes account to firstname.lastname@Exchange
-Turn off the sync of user account in others directory
-I use the MS Wizard to migrate the mails & agenda.
-I rename the Notes account to _exchXX. The Notes users only see the exchange account to send mail to the users. But the users remain members of Notes groups, no acl to do again :)

The users reads mail & agenda on outlook, and can open Lotus to see the mails & agenda before the migration, use lotus applications or work on base documents.

The remaining problems concerns the archives & contacts.

about the contacts:
-We created a special view in notes, which allow to correctly export the Notes contacts to CSV and then import to Outlook. The downside ? It's manual and the groups aren't migrated.

about the archives:
I couldn't find a free issue for the archives. I think we could replace the Notes mailbox by the archive one and launch the MS Wizard, but i didn't try it yet.

We just bought the Quest Migration suite, which can migrate mail,agenda, contact and archives. It's not cheap (11€/users).
